Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gang aft agley....

That's what Robert Burns said about the best laid plans of mice and men, that they go oft astrew. Which is true. Someone else said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. Also true. And writers from Sun Tsu to Clausewitz have written about the fog and friction of war (and other human endeavours).

Yet day after day and blog after blog I read how this or that is neccessary to be prepared, or how someone has the perfect plan for when the SHTF...(ain't jargon grand?). There are no shortage of folk out there that will tell you that they have all the answers, and they ignore the historical and obvious truth about all things, and especially concerning things human. THat things never happens as we think they would (or should).

That truth is that NO ONE knows how the future plays out. There are pundits saying financial ruin and collapse are around the corner. Others are screaming ecological disaster. Others still are trumpeting the arrival of peak oil. And while these are legitimate and pressing problems, NONE of these self-made prophets really has a hot clue how it will really play out.

So ignore the prophets and build some alternatives into your life. Peak oil? Buy a bike. Ecological crisis? Act locally first, do what you can elsewhere. Financial collapse? Get your finances in order and have tangible goods like food and water set by and your shelter secured. Don't be bullied into anything, and don't let fear rule you.

Remember that many of the so-called experts are making their living off of advertising and selling you things you likely don't need.

But here's the thing: Decide for yourself, don't let me bully you either.

It's commonsense.

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