Prepping can be expensive. Very, very few people can even begin to approach the preparedness levels advocated by some of the more celebrated survival writers. Multi-year food stores, stacks of guns and ammunition, a large hoard of medical supplies and so on are well beyond the reach of the great majority of people and will remain so. Even modest prepping can be beyond the reach of many families in the present economy, yet some level of preparedness is more necessary now than ever.
So what to do? How to prep when funds are very limited? Is there a way to lay in preps when (almost) every dollar is spent? I believe there is, and to do so all you need is the local dollar store and a keen eye.
I know, it seems unlikely that you can make yourself disaster ready by shopping at the local dollar store, but it’s not as outlandish as you might think. Think about the basics: Shelter, Warmth, Water, Food and so on. Some equipment or supplies can be found in every category at your local dollar store. Let me give you some examples from today’s casual stroll through my local establishment.
Shelter: I found Space blankets and utility tarps were on offer, as well as rope, string, and duct tape.
Warmth/Cooking: There were collapsable stoves with 12 fuel tablets, and matches.
Water: Collapsible water jugs (2 liter capacity) were for sale
Food: lots of noodles, canned goods, spices, condiments and so on, many of them name brands. Oh, and salt! Laying up my food supplies from this source is not the most enticing prospect, and I have reservations about things shipped from China, but better than nothing. Not to mention Ziplocs for food storage.
There were other things I saw that would be useful and serviceable for the cash strapped prepper. Flashlights, first aid supplies, mosquito head nets, compasses were all to be found. Hand tools were also available, many of them as good as ones from Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart for which you’ll pay far more, and hardware of every description as well.
I could go on, but you get the idea. You won’t find everything you need, of course, but I believe you’ll be surprised at how much you do find.
There is the issue of quality, and it is an important one. Dollar stores are not known for the high quality and longevity of their products. I’ve had good luck purchasing items from dollar stores, but I’m careful about checking things over before I buy(This is were the keen eye is required.). Though all in all, if it were a choice between a cheap compass and none at all, I would go with the cheap compass.
It’s not ideal, but how many of us are achieving a Rawlesian über-prep? Some preps are better than none at all, and a bug-out bag stocked from the dollar store is far better than no bag at all.
Anyway, that’s my dollar’s worth.
Originally posted May 19, 2010 @MPN
So what to do? How to prep when funds are very limited? Is there a way to lay in preps when (almost) every dollar is spent? I believe there is, and to do so all you need is the local dollar store and a keen eye.
I know, it seems unlikely that you can make yourself disaster ready by shopping at the local dollar store, but it’s not as outlandish as you might think. Think about the basics: Shelter, Warmth, Water, Food and so on. Some equipment or supplies can be found in every category at your local dollar store. Let me give you some examples from today’s casual stroll through my local establishment.
Shelter: I found Space blankets and utility tarps were on offer, as well as rope, string, and duct tape.
Warmth/Cooking: There were collapsable stoves with 12 fuel tablets, and matches.
Water: Collapsible water jugs (2 liter capacity) were for sale
Food: lots of noodles, canned goods, spices, condiments and so on, many of them name brands. Oh, and salt! Laying up my food supplies from this source is not the most enticing prospect, and I have reservations about things shipped from China, but better than nothing. Not to mention Ziplocs for food storage.
There were other things I saw that would be useful and serviceable for the cash strapped prepper. Flashlights, first aid supplies, mosquito head nets, compasses were all to be found. Hand tools were also available, many of them as good as ones from Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart for which you’ll pay far more, and hardware of every description as well.
I could go on, but you get the idea. You won’t find everything you need, of course, but I believe you’ll be surprised at how much you do find.
There is the issue of quality, and it is an important one. Dollar stores are not known for the high quality and longevity of their products. I’ve had good luck purchasing items from dollar stores, but I’m careful about checking things over before I buy(This is were the keen eye is required.). Though all in all, if it were a choice between a cheap compass and none at all, I would go with the cheap compass.
It’s not ideal, but how many of us are achieving a Rawlesian über-prep? Some preps are better than none at all, and a bug-out bag stocked from the dollar store is far better than no bag at all.
Anyway, that’s my dollar’s worth.
Originally posted May 19, 2010 @MPN
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