Usually I hesitate to recommend that people lay out a lot of bucks on high tech gear, much as I love the stuff. Generally, there is a cheaper or simpler alternative to cutting edge equipment. But in this case I’m going to make an exception. I’m going to recommend a piece of gear I own and have used quite a bit, given the year we've had with the weather here in Manitoba.
The item in question is the Integral Designs Silponcho Tarp. This nifty bit of kit is a poncho made out of silnylon. Silnylon is a fabric made by impregnating a thinly woven nylon fabric with liquid silicone from both sides. The resulting fabric is lightweight, waterproof, and because of the silicone, the nylon is much strengthened making it more resistant to tearing.
The weight is ridiculously low at 280 grams ( a bit over ½ pound) and when rolled into it’s stuff sack, it is not much bigger than a hiker’s water bottle. The poncho covers you from head to knees, and unlike most ponchos I’ve seen , keeps your arms dry due to its width. It snaps together at waist and thighs, and has a drawstring hood. An added bonus is the shockcord on the bottom edge that allows you to snug the poncho around your pack. Did I mention that the poncho is big enough to cover your pack, allowing you to lose the weight of a pack cover?
The poncho has a second use. There are a dozen nylon loops around the edges of this poncho. Given that it is 1.5 meters by 2.4 meters in size, it is large enough to set up as an awning to cover an eating space, or it can be set up in a variety of ways as a shelter. Just remember to flop the hood face down!!
The only downside is the price, a hefty $73 CDN when i purchased mine. I personally think this is worth the money. Shelter is important in a survival situation, and this item allows you to be carrying shelter or at least an important part of a shelter for little weight or space penalty. As a poncho, it will keep you dry, and as many survival experts will tell you, it’s easier to stay dry than get dry.
Further, it takes up so little space it is easy to fit into a bug out bag, or to carry in the car in case of emergencies. It is available from the integral Designs website, or from MEC.
edited to add; I was wearing this yesterday to walk my dog. Still feel it's one of the best pieces of kit that I own
Originally posted July 20, 2010 @MPN
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